permanent solution for dandruff

what is dandruff ?
dandruff is a condition of scalp that cause flakes of skin to appear. it is often accompanied by itching it extremely common for 90% of the people suffering from this at some point of time. it mostly outcome from dryness of the scalp and this is the way worsen in the winter it can embracing at time dermetologist say there is no cure known i can promise that surly this remedy will help for your dandruff. dandruff  may cause various reasons using excess of toxic shampoo not shampooing your hair regularly.missing of dairy products in your diet not oiling your scalp are prone to digestive disorder even stress cause dandruff problem this remedy is very easy and it works well an best ayurvedic remedies in your home you will see a miracle soon.

home made mask
                take a glass bowl and put 3 spoons of curd curd is a best natural conditioner for hair rich in protein and it contains lactic acid and it helps to reduce the dandruff and it helps to dry hair if possible use home made curd and add some squeeze of lemon juice lemon has citric aci and vitamins it helps to balance the ph level of scalp and shedding against the dead cells it os highly effective when you have itchy scalp and the 3rd ingredient is one spoon of maha bringaraj oil it has many anti fungal herb amd the next ingredient is a piece of camphor camphor is a wonderful ingredient which helps to smooth your hair it strengthens your hair also and take a half spoon of borex powder it is special ayurvedic medicine
   mix all these products and apply in your scalp and leave it for 30 miniutes use this twice in a week wash with mild shampoo

               for dandruff your should use toxic free shampoo but most of tha dandruff free shampoos are giving only temporary results so you should concern about the shampoo don't use these market shampoo apply this remedy and wash with toxic free shampoo I'll suggest a shampoo which has no sulphate and toxic
toxic free shampoo 

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