- use lip scrub
- you can do a natural scrub in your home take a spoon of sugar honey and lemon and scrub it gently to your lips
- stop using cigarette
- use moisturizer not skin moisturizer use lip moisturizer
I'll give a link this product i have used and i got a better result
STAY Hydrated
- drink plenty of water
- drink at least 3 to 4 glass daily for PINK LIPS
- use lip scrub or use some natural scrub for LIPS
- store water in a Cooper flask or a glass
- water make you toxic free
- make your lips always wet
- don't make your lips dry
- don't bite your lips
WHY I'm getting dark lips
many reasons are there for getting dark lips .using cigarette makes your lips dark because cigrate produce heat to your lips and that head makes you LIP dark so avoid using cigarette and one of the reason is getting hyperpigmentation it makes your lips darken
lemon make your lips PINK it helps to get hydrated one of the main cause is dehydration some people getting dark lips due to the sun exposure and allergies lemon helps to remove tan and make your lips hydrated